Spinal Surgery Clinic

Spinal Surgery 

Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital pays great importance to spinal surgery due to the spread of disorders related to the unhealthy dietary habits. Therefore, the hospital administration employed world-renowned spine surgeons and equipped the spinal surgery department with the latest technology for diagnosis and treatment. 

Pre-op Instructions: The patient must fast the night before the surgery, wear comfortable clothes, and remove any jewelry. 

During Surgery: An incision is made along the back to reach the spine and remove the source of pressure. Then the surgeon performs arthrodesis, which is the fusion of two or more bones in a joint. 

Post-op Instructions: The patient’s monitored for any potential complications, and analgesics are administered for the back pain. 

The spinal surgery department is staffed by a team of experts and outfitted with the latest medical devices and equipment from world-class manufacturers.

This department is concerned with:
Cervical vertebrae, thoracic vertebrae, and sacral vertebrae.

Cervical Vertebrae:

Treatment of single or multiple disc herniation by vertebral replacement surgery. Patients who suffer from headaches and pain in the neck and upper limbs can undergo this type of surgery and they will feel noticeably feel better after decompressing the nerves.
– Cervical spine surgery and opening the vertebrae through an incision in the back of the neck. These operations are performed for patients who suffer from multiple vertebral compressions, spinal arthritis, and spinal cord injuries.

Cervical Vertebrae Replacement: This type of surgery is performed for patients suffering from cervical fractures and spinal cord compression, especially as a result of accidents and tumors.

Thoracic Vertebrae:

Spinal stabilization and decompression surgeries are performed for patients suffering from nerve or spinal cord compression resulting from spinal arthritis or external distress.

Lumbar Vertebrae:

Spinal stabilization and decompression surgeries are performed for patients suffering from nerve or spinal cord compression resulting from spinal arthritis or external distress.

Laminectomy: This type of surgery is performed laparoscopically for patients who suffer from a single herniated disc with compressed nerve roots by making a minor incision. The patient feels better immediately.

Spinal Stabilization with Laminectomy: This type of surgery is performed for patients suffering from lumbar spine herniation with nerve root compression. Stabilization and laminectomy are performed according to the type of the defect.

Opening Hours (Mar. 15th - Mar. 21st)


9:00 AM - 1:00 PM

4:00 PM - 8:00 PM


Dr. Isaaq Lattouf

Dr. Isaaq Lattouf


Dr. Hazim Moojid






Dr. Hazim Moojid



Dr. Hazim Moojid + Dr. Isaaq Lattou






