Lithotripsy for Elderly Patient Reveals Second Problem.. Doctor Explains

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A seventy-year-old man survived the complications and pain of ureteral stones after visiting Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital for a successful surgery using advanced technology.

The urologist at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Yahya Al-Khafaji, stated: “The 70-year-old patient was complaining of a 22 mm stone in the left ureter, along with a tumor in the bladder that was discovered during the lithotripsy.”

He explains: “The ureteral stone was broken up with a laser and a ureteroscope, and the bladder tumor was removed using a cystoscope.”

“Praise be to God, the patient’s condition improved and he was discharged the next day in good health.” Anesthesiologist: Dr. Abdul Amir Al-Nouri

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