Complex Surgery: Our OB-GYN Team Brilliantly Overcomes the Challenge.. Doctor Explains

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The Obstetrics and Gynecology Department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital was able to perform a difficult surgery on a 35-year-old woman who was suffering from type 1 diabetes, which makes it difficult for the anesthesia process as well as for the healing of the wound after the surgery.

The gynecologist and obstetrician at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Taktum Sakhr, stated, “The patient had an ectopic pregnancy and the fetus was attached to the previous caesarean sections, as the patient has 3 children.”

Adding: “The challenge we faced is that the patient suffers from chronic type 1 diabetes, in which the patient is forced to take insulin injections.”

And she added: “This type of diabetes, in addition to the patient’s blood type AB-, posed a challenge and a danger, as the surgical wound could become infected.”

Dr. Taktum Sakhr confirmed that “the surgery was performed to remove the fetus and placenta, and a cyst on the ovary was removed.”

Adding: “The patient was discharged after the surgery and she is in good health. We followed up on the incision and it did not develop any complications, praise be to Allah.”

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