Our hospital discusses the latest methods in treating “breast cancer” and celebrates “Pink October”

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Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital discussed the latest innovations in breast cancer diagnosis and the most important modern treatment methods for the disease, in celebration of “International Breast Cancer Month.”
This came during a scientific lecture held by the hospital today, Monday, in the presence of a group of specialists and interested parties.
The lecture was given by Dr. Kanaan Al-Tamimi, who highlighted in his scientific research the most important innovations in breast cancer diagnosis and stressed the importance of awareness of risk factors and how to maintain breast health.
Dr. Kanaan also advised the need to perform a monthly breast examination, pointing also to the latest treatment methods for the disease.
In the same context, the nursing team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, under the supervision of nurse Hussein Rahim, organized an awareness campaign that included distributing ribbons to participants as an expression of support for breast cancer patients during “Pink October.”

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