Elderly Man with Chronic Bronchitis and Pneumonia Gets Second Chance at Life

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The medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital saved the life of an elderly man suffering from chronic bronchitis and pneumonia with excessive respiratory tract secretions in his left lung.

The head of the Intensive Care Department, Dr. Hussein Al-Haj, reported that the patient received an emergency tracheal intubation and was put on a ventilator at the ICU. He was prepared for bronchoscopy to open the occlusion in his left lung. Al-Haj added: “The procedure was successful and the patient also underwent a successful tracheostomy and was sent to the inpatient ward to complete his treatment.”

The patient was kept under the observation of Dr. Hashim Zayni (internist), Dr. Hussein Al-Haj (intensivist/anesthesiologist), Dr. Hussam Al-Faham (thoracic surgeon) who performed the bronchoscopy, and Dr. Khalid Khashan (otolaryngologist) who performed the tracheostomy, in addition to a number of expert resident doctors and ICU nurses.

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