Elderly Patient with Tumor in Kidney and Hepatitis B Receives Treatment at IHH

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The surgical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital saved the life of a man in his 70s suffering from a large growth in his right kidney, as well as hepatitis B and hypertension.

Dr. Yehya Al-Khafaji stated that the challenge in this particular case lies in keeping the patient in a stable condition and protecting the staff from infection. Hepatitis B is an infectious disease that weakens the immune system and decrease the efficiency of medical treatments.

The urologist in charge also reported that the patient underwent a successful supra-major surgery at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital to remove the tumor despite him carrying a life-threatening virus, and while other hospitals declined to receive the patient, Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital saved his life. It’s worth mentioning that the hospital is equipped with an effective isolation system and a negative pressure ventilation system.

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