Middle-Aged Man Saved at IHH from Severe Brain Hemorrhage

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A man in his 50s presented to the Emergency Department of Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital in an unconscious state. His CT scan revealed severe brain hemorrhage resulting from high blood pressure and he was immediately sent to the ICU. Dr. Hussein Al-Haj, head of the Intensive Care Department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, explains “The patient scored 8/15 on the Glasgow Coma Scale. He was kept under observation in the ICU for 10 days where his vital signs were frequently measured and he received tube feeding and conservative management. His sleeping position was also regularly changed to prevent bedsores.”

Al-Haj adds: “On the 10th day of his stay in the ICU, the patient’s consciousness level started to improve, scoring 10 then 12 on the Glasgow Coma Scale, and he was sent to the inpatient ward to complete his treatment.” The patient received excellent healthcare at the hands of Dr. Hazim Moojid (neurologist), Dr. Hussein Al-Haj (intensivist/anesthesiologist), Dr. Hashim Zayni (internist), and a number of highly-skilled resident doctors and nurses.

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