Girl Suffering from Medical Rarity for Many Years Treated at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital

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The urology team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital received the case of a 14-year-old girl suffering from a rare medical condition that caused her chronic abdominal pain, debility, vomiting, and loss of appetite for many years.

Urologist Ameer Al-Araji explains: “The young girl came to the outpatient department of Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital for a medical examination. We detected an obstruction at the top of the ureter caused by an abnormal artery pressing on the ureter that prevents urine from flowing into the bladder normally and causes hydronephrosis.”

Al-Araji adds: “The patient underwent surgery to reconstruct the ureter and kidney, and to redirect the abnormal artery, allowing normal urine flow. The surgery was categorized as supra-major because the kidney was malrotated and positioned high in the chest cavity. The patient recovered quickly after the surgery and was discharged in good health.”

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