Man survives heart attack and fluid buildup in lungs at our hospital

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A 71-year-old patient survived a severe heart attack after visiting the cardiology clinic at Imam al-Hujjah Charitable Hospital.

In detail, interventional cardiologist, Dr. Emad Marji, stated: “The patient came to our cardiology clinic and was suffering from severe chest pain due to water accumulating in the lungs and lower limbs.”

He adds: “After learning about the man’s medical history, it became clear that he had been suffering from a heart attack for 6 months, and the doctors refused to perform a catheterization on him because he could not tolerate its complications, and with the use of treatment, his condition began to get worse.”

Dr. Marji confirmed, “After giving the necessary treatment and draining the water through diuretics, it was decided to perform a diagnostic catheterization, and it was found that there was an almost total blockage in the left descending artery, with an almost total blockage in the branch of this artery.”

He adds: “After that, a therapeutic catheterization was performed and two meshes were placed on the artery, and the patient is now in good health.”

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