Successful Surgery for Patient with Massive Abdominal Adhesions and Gallbladder Problems

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A medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital succeeded in performing a gallbladder removal surgery that faced great difficulty due to health complications that the patient was suffering from.
Dr. Salah Al-Sulaikhi, general surgeon at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, stated:

“The surgery took more than two hours, as the patient was suffering from massive adhesions in the abdominal area, as a result of a previous gastric bypass operation.”

He adds:

“The surgery was completed successfully, all adhesions of the colon, fat and duodenum were released, and the gallbladder was carefully removed.”

Dr. Al-Sulaikhi pointed out that

“The patient was discharged from the hospital and is in good health. Her condition was followed up and she is now in excellent health.”

#gallbladder_removal #gastric_bypass

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