62-year-old man’s suffering with chronic constipation ends at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital

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The suffering of a 62-year-old man with chronic constipation ended after he visited Imam al-Hujjah Hospital in Holy Karbala.
General surgery specialist at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Imad Jadoua, stated:

“The patient is 62 years old and suffered from chronic constipation.”

He explains:

“After advanced clinical and radiological examination, it was revealed that there was a 10-cm tumor mass between the sacrum and behind the rectum, pressing on the rectum and causing constipation.”

He adds:

“The patient was admitted to the O.R. and we performed the surgery to remove the tumor mass by opening the abdomen, with the help of Dr. Amjad Al-Diffai.”

He confirmed that

“The surgery lasted for 3 hours and the patient is currently recovering.”

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