60-year-old man from Baghdad with “chronic diseases” and “heart failure” undergoes successful surgery at IHH

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A medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital was able to perform a prostate enucleation procedure for a sixty-year-old patient suffering from heart problems and chronic diseases, using modern techniques provided by the hospital.
Urology specialist Dr. Yahya Al-Khafaji stated:

“The patient from Baghdad came to our hospital complaining of enlarged prostate and urinary retention.”

He adds:

“The patient has been using a urinary catheter for three months and was complaining of high urea levels.”

He also pointed out that

“The patient was complaining of heart and kidney failure, high blood pressure, and diabetes, and for this reason he was not treated in any other hospital before visiting us, due to the risk of anesthesia in the presence of such health problems.”

Urology specialist Dr. Yahya Al-Khafaji confirmed that

“After visiting Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital and after consulting with the anesthesiologist Dr. Abdul Amir Nouri, the patient was prepared for surgery. The anesthesiologist decided to use the regional anesthesia technique.”

Dr. Al-Khafaji said:

“The prostate enucleation surgery was performed using a laparoscopic, and the patient was discharged from the hospital after 24 hours and he is in good health now.”

Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital
Media Department
December 24, 2023

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