Young Man from Karbala Gets Rid of Chronic Sinus Problems at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital

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The suffering of a young Karbalai man with nasal congestion due to chronic sinusitis ended, after he visited Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital to undergo a successful surgery.
The surgery was performed by Dr. Nazem Omran, an otolaryngologist at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital.
Dr. Omran stated that

“The surgery was successfully performed on a 27-year-old Karbalai patient who was suffering from nasal obstruction and chronic sinusitis.”

The doctor explained that

“The patient was suffering from symptoms of nasal obstruction or congestion and chronic sinusitis, making breathing through the nose difficult.”

Dr. Omran adds

“After conducting laboratory and radiology tests, we discovered that there were polyps in the nose and sinuses, which caused these symptoms.”

He adds:

“The surgery was performed under general anesthesia, under the supervision of anesthesiologist Dr. Abdul Amir Al-Nouri, and the polyps were removed and the sinuses were cleaned.”

He confirmed that

“After the success of the surgery, the patient was discharged from the hospital the next day in good health.”

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