At 170 Kg, Man Gets Rid of “Varicose Veins” at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital

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A specialized medical team at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital ended the suffering of a young man in his thirties with “varicose veins and painful ulcers” after he was unable to be treated in several healthcare centers due to the lack of medical techniques necessary to perform the surgery.

Dr. Ihsan Al-Amiri, a specialist in thoracic and vascular surgery, p erformed the procedure at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital for the patient, who was also suffering from excessive obesity.
The patient had previously undergone a “gastric bypass” operation and his weight decreased from 170 kg to 120 kg, according to Dr. Al-Amiri.

However, he continued to experience pain and swelling in his legs, in addition to the appearance of painful ulcers on the skin near the varicose veins.
The thoracic and vascular surgery specialist says, “The patient visited several medical centers, but none of them dared to do the surgery on him due to the difficulty of performing it on obese patients.”

He adds: “At Imam al-Hujjah Hospital, we were able to perform the necessary procedures and complete the required tests, then perform the surgery to remove the main and secondary varicose veins.”

Dr. Al-Amiri also pointed out “we repaired the damaged venous valves with an intravenous catheterization procedure and using the modern varicose vein removal device available at the Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital.”

The thoracic and vascular surgery specialist confirmed that the patient was discharged from the hospital on the same day after monitoring him for several hours. The surgery was successful and the young man is now in good health.

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