Without Surgery.. Patient Gets Rid of Herniated Disc Pain with Modern Technology at IHH

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A medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital ended the suffering of a patient with severe back pain resulting from a herniated disc, by using modern technology without the need for surgical intervention.

Anesthesiologist at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Zaid Al-Moussawi, stated: “The patient suffered from severe back pain, to the point that he found it difficult to walk, move, and go about his daily life.”

He explains: “The reason for the patient’s suffering is a severely herniated disc between the fourth and fifth vertebrae, swelling of the nerves and irritation of the nerve between the lumbar vertebrae.”

He adds: “The anesthesia team in our hospital was able to perform nerve injections and stimulation using the modern equipment available at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital.”

Dr. Al-Moussawi confirmed that “the procedure was performed successfully without the need for surgery or incisions, and it took only about half an hour, after which the patient remained under observation for only one hour and then went home in good health.”

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