Our doctors are honored to serve visitors, free of charge

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As the Arbaeen pilgrimage reaches its peak and the number of visitors to Holy Karbala increases, doctors from the consultation clinics at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital volunteered to provide their medical services free of charge to visitors as part of the “Annual Saqi Karbala Medical Camp” held by our hospital.

The hospital media manager stated, “On the 19th of the month of Safar, the consultation clinics at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital joined the 7th annual Saqi Karbala Medical Camp.”

He adds: “Our doctors expressed their desire to volunteer to serve visitors during the morning period of the 19th of the month of Safar due to the crowding at the emergency department, which has been receiving hundreds of visitors round the clock.”

He pointed out that “the medical camp will continue to provide free treatment services until the end of the Arba’een pilgrimage.”

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