Our physicians’ intrvention saves woman from complications of obstruction and ulceration in the kidneys

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After suffering for years, a seventy-year-old woman got rid of serious kidney and urinary tract problems at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital.
Urology specialist Dr. Amir al-Araji, explains: “The patient has suffered for years from abdominal pain, loss of appetite, and recurrent infections due to suppuration in her kidney.”
According to the doctor, “These complications caused the patient to be hospitalized several times due to blood poisoning, anemia, diabetes, low blood pressure, and an increase in renal function.”
Dr. Al-Araji stated: “After conducting the necessary tests and evaluation, we found that the patient was suffering from an obstruction in the right kidney and suppuration and expansion of the renal pelvis.”
He adds: “We brought the patient urgently into the operating room and performed a complex laparoscopic surgery on the right ureter using regional anesthesia by anesthesiologist Dr. Abdel Amir Al-Nouri.”
The urology specialist confirmed, “We were able to open the blockage and place a catheter in the right ureter, after which the patient stayed at the hospital for 24 hours to complete the treatment and monitor her condition, and she is now in good health, alhamdulillah.”

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