A Patient in her 20s Seeks the Help of our Medical Staff after Swallowing a 4 cm Pin

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The medical staff at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital performed an emergency laparoscopy for a patient in her 20s who was suffering from severe pain in her upper abdomen after she had accidentally swallowed a 4 cm hijab pin.
Dr. Emad Abd Al-Sahib, who supervised the surgery, stated that: “the abdominal CT scan showed that the pin had punctured the bottom of the patient’s stomach and its pointy head had settled in her liver.”
The doctor added: “After the patient was put under general anesthesia, we immediately started the surgery to remove the pin, using laparoscopic forceps. She was discharged upon recovery.”
The patient was planning on waiting for the foreign object to come out with stool, however, her condition was deteriorating 10 days after swallowing the pin, forcing her to visit the hospital for treatment to save her from the pain and associated risk.
For further details, please call: 07817278886- 07728222230
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Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital
Advancing Hope and Life
Address: Rasool St., Mudaraa district, Karbala.
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