Surgical Intervention to Preserve the Uterus of a Woman in Her 30s

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The medical staff at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital diagnosed the condition of a patient in her 30s who was complaining of abdominal pain. The medical examination revealed the existence of a large nodule (12*13 cm) and multiple small nodules inside the patient’s womb. The surgical staff, led by Dr. Nabeela Al-Yasiri, decided to perform a myomectomy which is the selective removal of uterine fibroids without removing any other part of the organ. The surgical team was able to pass this challenge by keeping the uterus intact.

It’s noteworthy that in similar cases the surgeon may have to remove the uterus, especially when the size of the nodule is larger than the uterus.

For further details, please call: 07817278886- 07728222230
Our best wishes for your health and wellness,
Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital
Advancing Hope and Life
Address: Rasool St., Mudaraa district, Karbala.

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