IHH Medical Team Saves a Patient from Kidney Transplant Failure and Dialysis

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The urologic surgery team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital saved the life of a man in his 50s suffering from a buildup of fluids in his body and was showing signs of kidney failure. The patient had his first renal transplant 13 years ago and he underwent another transplantation 9 years ago when the first surgery failed.

Urologist Ameer Al-Araji stated that: “The patient’s suffering began more than two years ago. After thoroughly assessing his condition, he was diagnosed with ureteral obstruction, hydronephrosis, and acute kidney failure. When the laparoscopic opening of the ureter failed due to its severe narrowing, we performed a CT-guided nephrostomy.

The teamwork of the nephrologist and urologist resulted in a successful outcome and the patient regained normal kidney function after the surgery. Later the patient will undergo a ureteral reconstruction to decompress the narrowing in his ureters.”

We wish everyone a speedy recovery.
Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital
Advancing Hope and Life

For further details, please call: 07817278886 – 07728222230

Address: Rasool St., Mudaraa district, Karbala.

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