Emergency Laparoscopic Intervention Saves the Life of a 60-year-old Patient

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The medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital was able to save the life of a man in his 7th decade suffering from gastrointestinal bleeding. Dr. Najah Al-Saadi who led the operation commented on the patient’s condition:

“This case required immediate laparoscopic intervention to diagnose and treat the patient’s hemorrhage. We discovered that a large ruptured blood vessel was causing the severe bleeding.”

Dr. Najah added: “The blood vessel was closed using a laparoscopic clip applier to prevent any future bleeding. The patient was discharged upon full recovery.”

For further details, please call: 07817278886- 07728222230

Our best wishes for your health and wellness,

Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital

Advancing Hope and Life

Address: Rasool St., Mudaraa district, Karbala.

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