Testing Coronavirus Patients and Taking Extra Precautionary Measures

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Uniqueness in offering medical, treatment, and prevention services is what Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital seeks to achieve. By paying special attention to preventing the spread of infection and the corona pandemic, the hospital stands out among other private hospitals in the Holy City of Karbala for receiving COVID-19 patients, which led the administration to give exceptional care to suspected patients and visitors through a special sterilization system with unmatched international standards.

This step comes at a time when most private hospitals in the Holy City of Karbala have refused to receive corona patients, resulting in crowdedness in public hospitals which became overcrowded with citizens, increasing the risk of contact among hospital visitors.

Engineer Saif Emad Al-Deen, head of the sterilization department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, stated that: “the hospital gives special care in dealing with suspected corona patients and visitors at the CT scan and radiology department by using disinfectants from French manufacturers which proved effective in eliminating viruses including COVID-19, HIP1, H1N1, and HIV. The sterilization team uses a globally-standardized technique around the clock. The hospital also follows the instructions of social distancing and isolating suspected patients from others.”

Emad Al-Deen added: “we use disposable gowns, suits, and equipment which are worn by patients and technicians. These are replaced with every positive CT scan result of COVID-19.” He continued “a waiting period of 10-15 minutes is given between every two patients until the cooling and ventilation system purifies the air in the CT scan room.”

He ended his statement with: “charges of protection services apply to suspected patients who come for a CT scan. They don’t apply to all patients.”

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