Young man survives horrific accident after being transferred to Imam al-Hujjah Hospital

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A young man in his thirties was involved in a horrific car accident, which resulted in him shattering bones in his thigh and legs, as a result of which he resorted to Imam al-Hujjah Hospital to receive the necessary treatment.

The young man was admitted to the hospital at exactly 3:00 am, to undergo surgery.

Dr. Haider Dhaher, a specialist in orthopedic surgery at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital, said, “The surgery was successful, as the fractures were stabilized with implants and metal plates.”

In detail, Dr. Dhaher added, “The patient was suffering from thrombocytopenia, which posed a challenge in the operation, for fear of the risk of bleeding.”

The patient remained in the hospital for 8 days to receive the necessary care from a medical team consisting of Dr. Haider Dhaher and hematologist Dr. Haider Shahd.

After being discharged from the hospital, the patient was transferred to the Medical Rehabilitation and Physical Therapy Center to continue his treatment, according to Dr. Haider Dhaher.

The surgery was performed under regional anesthesia by Dr. Abdul Amir Nouri.

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