World Sickle Cell Day IHH Organizes a Lecture Titled “Sickle Cell Anemia.”

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To commemorate World Sickle Cell Day, IHH organized a lecture titled “Sickle Cell Anemia” to commemorate World Sickle Cell Day. The aim of the lecture was to review the challenges and innovations in the field of healthcare for this common hereditary disease.
Dr. Ali Al-Saadi delivered the lecture, which was attended by a number of interested individuals and specialists.
And it focused on explaining Sickle Cell Anemia, which is a disease characterized by the abnormal formation of red blood cells in a crescent or sickle shape. And it carries significant health and social burdens on communities.
Dr. Al-Saadi highlighted the importance of blood screening to detect this disease, As it can be diagnosed through approved laboratory tests.
He also highlighted the difference between sickle cell anemia and iron deficiency anemia. He emphasized that sickle cell anemia affects millions of people around the world.
The doctor also presented the latest innovations and developments in the field of sickle cell anemia, noting that there is currently no permanent cure for the disease. However, there are medications available that can alleviate pain and help reduce associated problems.
Towards the end, the audience praised the lecture and expressed their appreciation for Dr. Al-Saadi and the team’s efforts in the field of sickle cell anemia.
They emphasized the importance of increasing public awareness about this disease and enhancing research and development efforts to improve healthcare services for patients.
It is worth mentioning that tackling sickle cell anemia requires collaboration between scientific and medical efforts to address the disease and work towards providing necessary care for patients and raising public awareness about the risks associated with this genetic condition.


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