This is What Doctors Found in a Man’s Gallbladder

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Every now and then, Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital receives a medical rarity, such as the case of a man in his 20s suffering from acute abdominal pain.

General surgeon Ammer Al-Masoodi reported that the young man endured severe pain for about a week until he visited the outpatient clinics of Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital. Medical examination revealed that he had acute cholecystitis, which called for total removal of the gallbladder, also known as cholecystectomy.

Dr. Al-Masoodi commented: “We performed the surgery using a laparoscope and it was successful. Multiple stones were found in the patient’s gallbladder and in different sizes. They were the cause of his pain, but now he’s in good health and can resume his normal life.”

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