The ICU Team Saves the Life of 30-Year-Old Woman

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The intensive care team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital successfully saved the life of a 30-year-old woman suffering from blockage in the sagittal and transverse sinuses, a rare postpartum complication that causes repeated convulsions.
Neurologist Khattab Al-Khafaji stated that the patient was admitted to the ICU, unconscious. Her CT scan revealed clogged brain veins and she received treatment immediately. Anticoagulants, antibiotics, analgesics, IV therapy, and other medicines were administered.
Dr. Al-Khafaji added: “The patient’s health condition started to improve during her one-week stay at the ICU where she scored 15/15 on the Glasgow coma scale. She was sent to the inpatient ward to finish her treatment before being discharged from the hospital.”
The team that followed up on the patient consisted of Dr. Khattab Al-Khafaji (neurologist), Dr. Hussein Al-Haj (anesthesiologist/intensivist), and a number of skilled resident doctors and nurses.

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