The Emergency Department Saves Two Women from Certain Death

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Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital emergency department received two critical cases at the same time. The first case was a woman in her 40s who arrived at the hospital in a near-death state. She received CPR, tracheostomy, and life-saving medications before she was sent to the ICU to monitor her health.

The second case was a woman in her 50s who suffered an acute heart attack that led to cardiac arrest. She received CPR at the emergency unit and was urgently transferred to the cath lab for diagnostic catheterization. Interventional cardiologist Emad Marji discovered that the patient had a total occlusion in the right coronary artery. The blockage was opened with a mesh, and the patient was sent to the CCU for monitoring.

The lady was discharged after a couple of days. Both women left the hospital in good health, praise be to Allah.

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