The Emergency Department Receives a Late-night Rare Case

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The emergency department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital received a rare case of a woman in her 30s suffering from a hypovolemic shock and symptoms of sepsis and acute abdomen.

After the medical examination and ultrasound, she was immediately referred to general surgeon Dr. Ahmed Al-Hajj who decided to perform an exploratory laparoscopy.

Dr. Al-Hajj stated: “We discovered during surgery a hole in the patient’s duodenum or what is called peptic ulcer, and a large pileup of abdominal abscesses.”

He added: “The surgery was performed using advanced endoscopy through three 5 mm incisions. Then the abdominal cavity was rinsed with normal saline solution. The surgery was successful and the patient was discharged after making a full recovery.”

It’s worth mentioning that the emergency department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital receives urgent cases 24/7.


Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital

Advancing Hope and Life

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