Sleepless and in pain.. IHH surgeon ends the suffering of 60-year-old woman with large diaphragmatic hernia

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After suffering for two years, a 60-year-old woman finally got rid of the repercussions of a “large diaphragmatic hernia,” after visiting Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital.
General surgeon at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Zuhair Saleh Al-Badr, stated, “The patient was suffering from abdominal and chest pain and reflux of stomach secretions into the esophagus, which prevented her from sleeping normally.”
He explains: “After the diagnosis, we discovered that there was a large hernia in the diaphragm and a rise in the upper part of the stomach into the chest.”
He adds: “We performed the surgery laparoscopically through three small incisions in the abdominal wall, and the results were excellent from the first day.”
Dr. Zuhair confirmed that “the woman left the hospital feeling better and no longer needs medications for the symptoms she endured for two years.”

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