Signs of an abused child and educational advice.. Our hospital commemorates World Children’s Day with a scientific lecture

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Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital held a scientific lecture on the occasion of World Children’s Day, in which the specialist in pediatrics, cardiology and echocardiography, Professor Dr. Ali Abdel-Rida Al-Saadi, delivered a research titled “Child Protection and Care.”
During his lecture, the doctor touched on the general rights of children from birth until youth and how to deal with them by parents first and relatives.
He also pointed out the domestic violence that happens to children and the signs of an abused child who is exposed to abuse, whether sexual, physical or verbal.
During his lecture, the doctor stressed the necessity of caring for children and preserving their rights by parents and society.
He also stressed that people interested in or participating in raising children, whether at home, school or nursery, should avoid diagnosing the psychological conditions that children suffer from without resorting to specialists in this regard.

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