Our ICU Team Saves the Life of 50-Year-Old Woman

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The intensive care department at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital successfully saved the life of a woman in her 50s who suffered an acute heart attack and presented to the emergency ward with severe chest pain, impaired consciousness, and apnea. The damaged heart arteries were immediately detected and the patient was sent to the cath lab at once for emergency catheterization. Intensivist Hussein Al-Haj explains: “The patient was put on a ventilator at the ICU and her vital signs were monitored around the clock. For more than 4 days, she received conservative treatment, and enteral nutrition, and her sleeping was regularly changed to prevent bedsores.”
Dr. Al-Haj adds: “Within a short period of time, the patient’s health condition started to improve as her consciousness and awareness levels were returning to normal and she was disconnected from the ventilation machine to rely on spontaneous breathing. She was sent to the inpatient ward to complete her treatment.” The patient was under the observation of interventional cardiologist Sami Saad, internist Hashim Zayni, and Dr. Hussein Al-Haj, the head of the intensive care department.
The intensive care unit at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital is always open under the supervision of expert doctors and nurses, not to mention that the unit is also equipped with the latest medical technology from international manufacturers.

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