Medical Team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital Uses Unique Techniques to Stop Uterine Bleeding of a Fify-Year-Old Woman

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Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital medical team successfully performed surgery on a 50-year-old woman that suffered from uterine bleeding due to a lymphatic tumor in the uterus.
The highly specialized medical team, formed by Dr. Mohammad Reza Babaei (Professor of Interventional Radiology and Cardiac Catheterization at Iran University of Medical Sciences) and Dr. Adnan Mohammad Jaber (specialized in Interventional Radiology and Cardiac Catheterization and fellow of Iran University in Medical Sciences), managed to successfully catheterize the uterine arteries and close off the arteries that nurture the tumor. With time this will cause shrinkage and eventually the disappearance of the tumor.
The catheterization was done with local anesthesia to avoid possible complications.

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