Man swallows his dentures and rushed to our hospital for a solution.. What’s his story?

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In a strange incident, a 63-year-old man swallowed his entire dentures, and for fear of health complications, he resorted to Imam al-Hujjah Hospital to have it removed.

General surgery specialist Dr. Imad Abdel-Saheb Jadou said: “We received a strange case of a 64-year-old patient who swallowed his entire dentures.”

He adds: “The usual and well-known procedure is to wait five days for the foreign body to come out naturally, but after five days the dentures did not come out.”

He explained: “After conducting an ultrasound examination of the abdomen, it became clear where the denture was located in the stomach.”

He adds: “A therapeutic gastroscope was performed to remove the denture, but the width of the denture exceeds the width of the esophagus. For this reason, the patient underwent surgery to remove it, and it was successful.”

General anesthesia was performed by: Dr. Zaid Al-Mousawi and Dr. Osama Issa.

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