A forty-year-old man regained the ability to walk again after suffering from ulcers and inflammations in his foot due to varicose veins.
Our medical team at IHH successfully performed a procedure to remove the varicose veins from the patient using advanced techniques exclusive to the hospital.
Dr. Ihsan Al-Ameri, vascular and thoracic surgeon, mentioned “The patient came to us after multiple consultations with various doctors, but his health condition did not improve. He was suffering from severe varicose veins in his leg, which led to discoloration and the presence of ulcers and chronic inflammations in his foot.”
He adds: By the help of God, we were able to treat him through surgical procedures and sclerotherapy injections, along with superficial laser treatments. Local anesthesia was administered by Dr. Osama Issa Praise be to Allah, the ulcers healed.”
He also added: “The patient was unable to walk, almost disabled, relying on crutches or a wheelchair. However, he has now returned to walking naturally after recovering from ulcers, varicose veins, inflammations, and the tumor in his foot. He has left the hospital in good health.”