“Five advantages of treating benign thyroid nodules with microwaves” – Dr. Adnan Al-Zaidi

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Treating benign thyroid nodules with microwaves is the best option for many patients, as it is safer and causes less pain, both during and after the procedure, in addition to other advantages, including:

1) Microwave therapy for the thyroid gland is very effective in controlling the tumor.
2) It is safer for the patient’s health by not being exposed to complications of surgical intervention.
3) Less damage to surrounding normal tissue and no effect on the normal function of the thyroid gland.
4) The operation can be performed under local anesthesia without being exposed to the side effects of general anesthesia.
5) Faster recovery compared to treatment using surgery.

– Dr. Adnan Muhammad Jaber Al-Zaidi (specialization in diagnostic and interventional radiology and catheterization of the body and brain arteries, fellow of the Iranian University of Science)
Available at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital every Thursday morning.

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