Despite chronic diseases: 70-year-old man survives serious health emergency with successful operation at IHH

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A medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital succeeded in removing a 5-cm-sized stone from the kidney of a 70-year-old patient.
The elderly patient was suffering from chronic diseases and heart problems, which exacerbated the risk of the operation.
However, our professional medical staff, using advanced techniques at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, was able to overcome all challenges and perform the operation successfully.
The urology specialist at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Yahya al-Khafaji, stated:

“The patient is elderly and suffers from chronic diseases, including high blood pressure and diabetes, and had previously undergone a heart catheterization due to heart problems.”

He explains:

“The patient also complains of kidney failure and impaired kidney function.”

Dr. Al-Khafaji adds:

“Because of the seriousness of the operation, the patient was not able to have it performed in other hospitals because he would need general anesthesia and his health condition does not allow that.”

The doctor continued by saying:

“At Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, we were able to successfully perform the operation under general anesthesia under the supervision of anesthesiologists Dr. Abdul Amir al-Nouri and Dr. Muhammad Ali Muhammad.”

He confirmed that

“A 5-cm-sized stone was removed from the kidney using a laparoscope and through a small incision no more than 1 cm in size.”

Dr. Al-Khafaji explains that

“After the operation was performed successfully, the patient was monitored for 24 hours, after which he was discharged from the hospital in good health.”

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