Complicated Surgery Saves a Seventy-Year-Old Man from the Verge of Death

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Imam Al-Hujjah Charitable Hospital (PBUH) announces treating a severe blockage of a major artery in the heart of a seventy-year-old man via a successful angioplasty, without resorting to an “open heart” surgery.
Dr. Ali Al-Tufaili, a cardiologist, stated that “the patient was suffering from heart problems and a blockage in the main stem that feeds the coronary arteries, with obstruction of the posterior and anterior arteries.
Al-Tufaili adds: “The case was eligible for open-heart surgery. After talking to the patient’s family and explaining the surgery’s seriousness and accuracy, it was decided to perform angioplasty.”
He added: It was successful and accurate, and the work lasted three hours continuously. The patient was monitored for two days in the cardiac care unit, CCU. Eventually, he was discharged in good health. The operation was supervised by Dr. Ali Al-Tufaili and Dr. Ahmed Al-Haidari


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