Chronically Ill Woman Survives Heart Attack at IHH. Here Is Why She Chose Us

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A sixty-year-old woman overcame a heart attack that caused severe chest pain and restricted movement. Our medical team at IHH successfully performed a cardiac catheterization procedure, which resulted in a successful outcome.
Cardiologist, Dr. Ali Al-Tfaili stated: “The patient came to us with complaints of chest pain and difficulty walking.” He also mentioned that “The patient had previously undergone a catheterization procedure at another hospital in which stents were placed.”
He also added: “After our clinical examination, it was decided to perform a diagnostic catheterization, which revealed that the patient was suffering from multiple blockages in three arteries.

These were the challenges of diabetes.
Dr. Ali further added: “For the reasons mentioned previously, it was decided to perform a diagnostic angiogram in two stages with the placement of three stents.”
Regarding the challenges and difficulties that accompanied the procedure, Dr. Ali said that: “The challenge lies in the difficulty of opening the arteries due to the accumulation of fat and severe hardening, as the patient suffers from diabetes.”
However, he clarified that “The surgery was successful, and the patient was discharged in good health.”

The patient: “This is why I chose IHH”
From her point of view, the patient said: “Praise be to Allah, the results are very good, “I chose IHH because it is a place of trust for me and holds the trust of a wide range of people, especially when it comes to competent doctors and modern technologies.”
And she added: “The hospital is remarkably distinguished in every aspect and at all levels, with cleanliness, organization, and a calming aesthetic touch evident throughout the building and furnishings.”

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