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Common Mistakes in Newborn Care

A newborn’s arrival home is one of the most beautiful moments in parents’ lives. However, caring for this little one often comes with many fears and uncertainties, especially in a time when sharing and accessing information has become so easy.

Yet, sometimes this information can be incorrect and pose a risk to the baby’s health. Therefore, we see it necessary to remind you of the following important points:

1. Don’t forget that mother’s natural breast milk is the best blessing for the baby, as it is a divine creation without harm.

2. Do not use sleeping medications for a newborn when they cry a lot.

3. Do not contaminate the navel with any ointments or capsules, including “zarkiyoun”.

4. Do not give a newborn baby with jaundice water, sugar, molasses, dates, or honey.

5. Do not use scented products on the baby’s body or clothes, and do not apply “kohl” to their eyes.

6. Do not use eye drops or ointments if the baby’s eyes are excessively watery from birth.

7. Do not use antibiotics without consulting a specialist doctor.

8. Do not reuse a medical prescription, even if symptoms appear similar.

9. Do not overuse supplements and vitamins for the baby, and do not force the child to eat.

Dr. Ashwaq Al-Ammar

Specialist in General Pediatrics, Neonates, and Preterm Care

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