Ayatollah Syed Mohamed Baqir Al-Faly Thanks and Praises IHH Staff

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One of the most prominent Islamic figures of our time, Ayatollah Syed Mohamed Baqir Al-Faly has recently completed his treatment at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital. He sent a letter of appreciation to the CEO, Syed Jafar Al-Qazweeni.

The letter said: “Dear brother Jafar, I’m happy to express my appreciation and gratitude to your respected father and to you and the medical staff of Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, especially Dr. Emad Geddoa, for all of your great efforts and care. I ask Allah to bestow upon you an abundance of blessings and success. You are in my prayers, and praise be to Allah.”

Our media department reported that Syed Al-Faly continued to receive treatment at the hospital until he was discharged in good health, all thanks to Allah, our expert healthcare staff, and our advanced medical technology.

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