An American Humanitarian Delegation Appreciates the Services of the Development and Relief Foundation after Seeing its Charitable Projects

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Under the auspices of Ayatollah Sayyid Murtada Al-Qazwini, the Development and Relief Foundation, which supervises Imam Al-Hujjah Charitable Hospital (PBUH), received a delegation from the “Zaman” Humanitarian Foundation from the United States of America.
After holding a training course at Imam Al-Hujjah (PBUH) Charitable Hospital, they paid a visit to the orphan schools and kindergartens sponsored by the Development and Relief Foundation to have insight into the valuable humanitarian role it provides.
The delegation was briefed on the services provided in those schools and kindergartens. They interviewed some orphans, and observed several documents in the Accounts Department as well.
They also appreciated the various services the foundation provides for orphans, including free education, salaries, grants, and orphans’ sponsorship.


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