Specialized medical team at IHH successfully performed a gastric bypass surgery on a 150-kilogram patient who was suffering from a “pseudo-tumor” inside the skull, along with the challenge of administering anesthesia to perform the procedure.
Obese women are prone to developing “pseudo-tumors,” which result from increased pressure inside the cranium (skull), for reasons that remain unknown. That is what our patient was suffering from.
The medical team consisted of: General surgeon Dr. Zuhair Saleh Anesthesiologists Dr. Zaid Al-Mosawi and Dr. Osama Issa
She had visited several hospitals within Iraq and was rejected for treatment. Furthermore, she traveled to India to undergo the surgery, but doctors’ concerns about the risks of general anesthesia prevented the procedure from taking place, leading to its cancellation.
However, our medical staff here at IHH managed to overcome all the health challenges and potential complications that could accompany the surgery. Under the influence of general anesthesia, the patient successfully underwent the procedure and emerged in an optimal state of health and well-being.
Dr. Zaid Al-Mousawi, anesthesiologist, stated: “The patient was anesthetized using modern techniques to avoid any risks to her health during the surgery.”