Advanced Techniques: IHH successfully resolves prostate enlargement in just 10 minutes.

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IHH announced the successful completion of five prostate enlargement surgeries within 24 hours, using a modern technique. The procedure achieved excellent results, allowing patients to avoid hospitalization.
Urologist and reproductive surgeon, Dr Ali Abo Taheen, said: “We have recently succeeded in performing two surgeries for prostate enlargement using a modern device that operates with advanced new technology.”
He adds: “Prostate Vaporization is a modern technique used to treat prostate enlargement.”
He also added: “The device utilizes hot steam to vaporize the prostate, and the procedure takes no more than ten minutes. It can be performed under local or regional anesthesia, and the patient can leave the hospital on the same day.”
Abu Taheen emphasized that the results of the procedure become evident after three months, as it puts an end to the patient’s suffering from prostate enlargement.”
He also emphasized: “Any patient can undergo this procedure, including those who have difficulty receiving general anesthesia due to certain health conditions, such as heart problems, arterial issues, or high/low blood pressure.”
In regards to the benefits of the procedure, he mentioned that “Patients will retain their ejaculation and natural erectile function if it was normal before the surgery.”
Abu Tahain highlighted that “IHH is committed to acquiring the latest advanced equipment to deliver excellent and rapid results to its patients.”

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