Malignant renal tumor in a “60-year-old” removed via advanced technology

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A medical team at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital was able to remove a malignant tumor in the left kidney of a 60-year-old patient.
The urologist at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital, Dr. Riyad Rashid, stated that “the patient was suffering from sudden bloody urination with severe pain, and after conducting the necessary tests and examinations, we found a malignant tumor on the left kidney.”
He explains: “The tumor was removed along with the kidney via laparoscopy, which is an advanced technique.”
He adds: “This surgery cannot be performed in a hospital other than Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital because of its capabilities, highly advanced medical equipment, and experienced medical staff.”
Dr. Rashid confirmed that the surgery was successful and the patient was discharged in good health.

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