Patient Returns to Life after his Heart Stopped.. Our Cardiologist Elaborates

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One of the doctors at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital was able to restore life to the heart of a fifty-year-old man after it stopped in the emergency room due to an “acute heart attack.”
Cardiologist and catheter therapy specialist Dr. Ali Tfaili succeeded in reviving the heart of the 50-year-old patient.
Dr. Tfaili said: “We conducted the necessary tests, including an ECG, and it was found that the patient was suffering from acute heart attack.”
He adds: “The patient’s heart stopped after he was transferred to the emergency room, but we were able to resuscitate it.”
Dr. Tfaili noted, “It was discovered that there was a total blockage in the posterior left artery of the heart after we performed a diagnostic catheterization.”
He explained: “We also discovered another 70% blockage in a mesh placed for the patient two years ago, so we placed a new mesh as well as another mesh for the new artery.”
He also stated: “The surgery lasted 3 hours, and it was complex and required high efficiency, and this is what distinguishes Imam Al-Hujjah Charitable Hospital. The patient was discharged in good health.”

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