Successful surgery to stabilize fracture in lower jaw for 10-year-old child

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Doctors at Imam al-Hujjah Hospital, led by Dr. Muhannad Salah (maxillofacial surgeon), performed a successful surgery to stabilize the lower jaw of a 10-year-old child after it suffered a fracture.

Dr. Salah said, “The child suffered a fracture in the lower jaw, and we performed surgery on him to stabilize the fracture. He remained in the hospital for one day, and was discharged the next day in good health.”

He adds: “This surgery was somewhat difficult, given the patient’s young age. The lower jaw also contains incompletely developed milk and permanent teeth, which requires extra caution. The jaw is also a growth center for the face, so any problems that may occur in fixing it could lead to a defect in its growth. However, we were able to complete the surgery successfully.”

Dr. Salah explained that the biggest challenge in this surgery is preventing any complications, such as incorrect fusion of the fracture.

He said that this requires high precision in performing the operation.
He pointed out that this type of operation is usually performed under general anesthesia, given the difficulty of controlling the child under local anesthesia.

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