5-year-old Girl Regains Consciousness at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital after a Falling Accident

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The intensive care team at IHH successfully rescued a 5-year-old girl who fell from a height and sustained a skull fracture. Dr. Hussein Al-Haj, head of the ICU, revealed that the patient experienced a loss of consciousness after the incident. She underwent treatment and physiotherapy at Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital and was kept under constant monitoring. Dr. Al-Haj stated: “We changed the patient’s position frequently to prevent bedsores and she was given proper nutrition. Her health condition started to improve and her parents were overcome with joy when she regained full consciousness.” The child’s family expressed their gratitude for IHH medical staff led by Dr. Hazim Moojid (neurosurgeon) and Dr. Hussein Al-Haj (intensivist/anesthesiologist).

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