1.1 Billion Iraqi Dinars of Compassion: Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital Sets a Benchmark for Humanity in 2024

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In 2024, Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital illuminated the city of Karbala with acts of compassion, contributing over 1.1 billion Iraqi dinars to humanitarian initiatives. This achievement underscores the hospital’s unwavering commitment to transforming humanity from a mere ideal into a living reality through meaningful actions.

Figures That Reflect Stories of Hope:
▪️ 6,251 discount forms, exceeding 507 million dinars in value.
▪️ 3,839 free emergency consultations, valued at over 38 million dinars.
▪️ 8,290 free outpatient consultations, costing nearly 99 million dinars.
▪️ 319 interest-free loans, totaling 465 million dinars.
▪️ 621 food baskets and meat distributions, worth more than 14 million dinars.

Year after year, Imam Al-Hujjah Hospital goes beyond its medical responsibilities to fulfill a deeper humanitarian and social mission. It stands as a beacon of hope, proving that health and dignity are inseparable, and that humanity remains the foundation of its noble journey.

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